
Five Things meme

April 20, 2008

We were tagged for this meme by Rosemarie of Roses on the Moon

here are our responses.

5 things found in your bag: (we will be considering both purse and backpack for this one, since Ivan doesn’t carry a purse.)

1. in purse: cell phone

2. in backpack: wallet

3. in backpack: afternoon Ritalin, which we more often than not forget to take

4. in purse: small makeup bag, rarely used. it’s just cute. I like that bag.

5. in purse: bottle of water. We rarely drink enough of the stuff.

5 Favorite things in your room:

1. Athena- yellow stuffed chick with red “hair”

2. Ivan- blue and white boys’ button-down plaid shirt. He’s been wanting a black bowtie to go with it.

3. all of us- our computer! we’re definitely on it enough…..

4. Athena- two plush fifties-era die. (two dice) we got them from a function we attended last year.

5. all of us, but this applies to Athena right now, I’m cheating a little he’s not a thing, but I can’t think of any other thing- until recently, our cat Dennis…….he and I took a nap together in my room.

5 things we have always wanted to do- this one will be fun

1. Ivan- burp the alphabet and burp/talk at the same time, fluently.

2. Athena- go out in public and yell “POOPY”. Obviously I can’t do that……..the others say no. Probably for good reason, but I wonder sometimes.

3. Ivan- kill a r*pist. Seriously. Several would be even better. He cannot stand people victimizing other people. Neither can I or The Integral……he has the most vehement gut response to that stuff though.

4. The Integral- have more patience and stamina for stressful things.

5. Ivan and The Integral- find ourselves an awesome career, most likely in meteorology. I Athena want that for them……I’m not so good with working thing though. Maybe later that changes.

5 things we are currently into:

1. all of us- blogging and reading others’ blogs in our blogroll.

2. all of us- playing Freecell on the computer. That game is seriously ADDICTIVE!

3. Athena and Ivan- writing poems from the seat of our pants. I did one last night, here it is if anyone is interested. Ivan also did one recently, for me, isn’t he sweet? The poem is actually about my significant other……

4. The Integral- calculus. It’s really hard right now and we’ll most likely not pass, because of all the stress we’re under right now.

5. all of us- writing for the disability blog carnival. Speaking of which, when we come home from services, we need to finish writing because the deadline is TOMORROW. We could also say as a sixth thing, that we’re into procrastination.

5 people we’d like to tag:

1. Amanda at Ballastexistenz

2. one or more of the members of Miquie’s Crew

3. Ettina at Abnormaldiversity

4. Kassi at the Rett Devil’s Rants

5. the autistic bitch from hell at ABFH

so that’s what we have to say about that.

written by Athena, with contribution from Ivan and The Integral

One comment

  1. Thanks, I’ll write something soon. 🙂

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