
Why defend somebody you don’t know?

April 7, 2008

I don’t know Ms. Kathleen Seidel on any level whatsoever, personally or online, formally or informally. Yet, I have decided, as have the other two of us, to take it upon myself/ourselves to speak out against her being subpoenaed. We don’t even know the exact circumstances of her having been subpoenaed, but we have read enough stuff around the net, from other autism bloggers, that she is being treated most unfairly indeed. We have decided to defend her because injustice is injustice, whether one knows the person or not. We DO know that Ms. Seidel is an autism blogger who often speaks out/blogs against common misperceptions of autistics and the causes of autism, such as the spurious autism-vaccines link, and other things.

Even knowing precious little about legal issues, we feel that her privacy, and that of her correspondents, is being violated in a most egregious way, by means of the subpoena. We hope it is quashed, and that she can go back to her normal business and forget about this entire debacle as soon as possible. We can’t begin to imagine the amount of stress she must be under right now.

Why defend somebody you don’t know?

Because, if they turn out to be right, you will have done the right thing. We don’t advocate defending people who have done wrong, but we would suggest hearing the person out, and giving him or her due process. Even that, it seems, is missing in this case of Ms. Seidel being subpoenaed. Am I wrong here?

The Integral, in defence of Kathleen Seidel


  1. i know that when other’s outside of wordpress comment, they have to fill in some spaces, on one of them is the link to the blog. i would think that yours would have just showed up. may be there is something in the dashboard area that you have to say “yes” to to show the link. in other words, i really don’t know. sorry i can’t help you more …

    after the other post on my blog i wrote a bit of an update … may be i’ll put it more forward, but i am doing ok. thank you for asking though. i am tired, but ok.

    didn’t really read this post, but i wanted to comment to the questions you asked us. sorry about not really commenting on the “right” topic.

  2. it’s okay………glad you’re all ok……

    I’ll figure out the blog thing later……or maybe not even worry about it since you found me anyway…..

    take care

    Athena of athenivanidx

  3. […] (above); some comments ibid “I am also Kathleen video from SL from Stop.Think.Autism ibid Why defend somebody you don’t know? ibid What’s it all about Cliffy? video byMs. Clark the autism diva (ghastly version of […]

  4. i figured out how to have your name with a link. here is where you go …
    go to “Users” in your dashboard (upper right hand corner) => click on “Your Profile” => scroll down to information about you => there will be a bit of a form to fill out => look for “website” => add your blog ‘https://athenivanidx.wordpress.com’ => press “save changes”
    and there you go …

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